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Puppeting and Compositing Project


This was created for my 2D puppet animation and compositing class. This class was when I found that the medium finally clicked for me. I had some experience with puppeting from previous classes, but this project was the first time it stuck. At the same time, I was also trying to learn 3D modeling and texture, so I decided to create a 3D model of my room as the background for the project. Note the puppets in the project were not created by me.

Tripping at Fur Valley


This project was my first time directing and collaborating with other animators. I pitched the cartoon as a “bad acid trip during a furry convention”. This project was a really good crash course in what to-do and not-to-do when it comes to working on and leading a production.

Below are some of the shots I animated and another that I like which didn’t end up in the final film. Note backgrounds were not done by me.

Montgomery Hallway


I created this as a personal project, it was my first step into Blender as well as integrating 2D characters into 3D environments. I turned this out between class work over a few weeks. The 3D environments were created using LiDAR scanning, I really didn’t like the dorm I was in my sophomore year and thought this would be a good way of letting off steam.

Curve Ball


This was my project for my introduction course to animation at Scad. When I started this project I was initially really dejected, I felt my drawing skills weren’t ready for animation. To compensate, I did a lot of the animation without lifting my pen. I had previously taken an art class before coming to Scad and the teacher preached about using this technique. I found it really effective for developing better observation skills while maintaining a unique style. As for the minimalist colors, I hadn’t taken a color theory class yet, and colors scared me.

Misc. Exercises

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